Every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at the core with the mass of over 1 million suns. The earlier study discovered the supermassive black hole, but the recent research shows that there are a number of black holes with billions of solar-masses of materials including our Milky Way are found at the centre of most galaxies. The new research indicates that these giant black holes are just like the celestial vacuum that gorge the nearby objects. These black holes grow to a large size so that it can eventually crush a galaxy’s ability to churn out the new stars.
The formation of the star depends on the age of galaxies when a galaxy is young the star formation reaches its top, and when the galaxy becomes older the formation of star slows down, and after some time it stops, this process is known as quenching. A team of scientists led by Martin Navarro states that these black holes are playing a significant role in destroying the galaxies.
The cold gas forms stars so when the galaxy doesn’t have cold gas it is efficiently quenched. Scientists now have the evidence to support the theory that black holes are necessarily ejecting its gas through high-energy jets which leads to early death of the galaxies. The possible way that this could happen is that the gas flows into these holes trigger the formation of the jets which is shutting down the star formation.
Martin and his team utilised the data gathered from the Telescope Massive Galaxy survey to examine the light from the farther galaxies.
This team developed a model of star generation in these galaxies based on the study of wavelengths which compared that with the black holes and that resulted was a strong correlation with the black hole and the pace of quenching.
This team developed a model of star generation in these galaxies based on the study of wavelengths which compared that with the black holes and that resulted was a strong correlation with the black hole and the pace of quenching.
The study co-author Aaron Romanowsky described that there are many ways a black hole can put energy out into the galaxy, and scientists have all kinds of ideas about how quenching happens but there are more works to be done to fit these new observations in the models. Though the study gave an interesting consequence, the researchers managed to produce observational evidence that the massive black holes connect the quenching of star formation. Scientists are still not clear about the methods which this process includes.
Let’s talk about our galaxy which already has started slowing down due to the absence of cold gas. It is assumed that in a few billion few years the milky way could be destroyed because of our neighbourhood supermassive black hole.
Supermassive black holes can gobble up stars and galaxies, reveals new study
Reviewed by zhores
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